I am astonished when I hear the owls in my backyard. I am astonished when I see bluebirds at the birdbath. I am astonished when I feel my little baby granddaughter's silky skin against mine. I am astonished when I taste my first cup of coffee each morning. I am astonished when I smell rain is coming. I know I am doing an excellent job being in love with the world.
On Aug 17, 2016 Wanda wrote :
I am astonished when I hear the owls in my backyard. I am astonished when I see bluebirds at the birdbath. I am astonished when I feel my little baby granddaughter's silky skin against mine. I am astonished when I taste my first cup of coffee each morning. I am astonished when I smell rain is coming. I know I am doing an excellent job being in love with the world.