We have to know the language of the heart, to read that book.
Thinking outside the box experiment: listen to the chatter in a restaurant or a room; don't zoom into one conversation but hear the chatter. Like the "birds chirping" in Ajahn Chah's quote.
Before I was listening to everybody but my heart. But now, everything is better -- there's beauty in the freeway even, I notice people smiling, little thing become beautiful.
Letting go actually makes your happier -- kind of ironic.
Your true teacher is yourself. Despite accepting a teacher, I feel like the teacher was always there. I just recognized it in this form.
Being with a 3 year old, I realized I was a 3 year old.
Turtle mustache made me laugh :)
When squirrels ate all the tomatoes in my backyard, it would really be annoying. Eventually, I just let go. I figured it's my service to the squirrels. What a relief from anger!
Chance to practice patience today: a fender bender on the road.
Challenge turns into beauty after a while. Dirty apartment stairs became clean, when I finally stopped being annoyed and asked the apartment manager.
Internal things can be let go -- what about something external? Can you really let go or are we all going to be activists?
Truly letting go of the outcome is to come from a space of love, even if you're resisting.
Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.
Olympics: a cabbie in athens returend the silver medal! Cabbies have soooo many opportunities to do acts of kindness. My dream job.
Ajahn Chah's quote could be rap lyrics: if it aint' good, it'll die. if it don't die, make it good.
Paying lot of attention to the mind -- even if you see the light, can you be the light?
The more external reward you have, harder it is to do it. KG, no grades, and everyone enjoys school. High school, not quite the same.
gandhi -- what ever you do is insignificant, but it's most important that you do it.
You can't light someone's path without lighting your own.
On Jun 12, 2006 Viral wrote :