What's the difference between religion and cult? "Religion is to help you discover yourself but a cult is to use your weakness to manipulate you."
Confucious: you can make someone follow your system, but can't make them believe in it
Just because you're an organization, doesn't mean all constituent understand what it stands for.
My grand uncle, Dr. V talks about institutions as temples; ultimately it doesn't belong to one person.
Idea of a belief being a personal thing didn't resonate -- I get comfort when others share same beliefs.
It's not the organization but the people that participate in it.
Being addicted to religion is better than being addicted to crack.
Organization can be very liberating if they're founded on the right principles.
How does an individual stand up for oneself in the face of fundamentalism? Organizations are often too strong.
Really, what's an organization? Three friends sitting and talking is organization?
Ultimately, each one has to walk their own path -- that's the crux of it.
If "truth is a pathless land" and there's no path, then where is it? It should be where you are.
End of Search Results
On Jan 30, 2023Hareshwar wrote :
Krishnamurti 's statement of 'Truth is a pathless land and you can not reach it by following any path' may be a matter of debate. I think his most revolutionary affirmation is: 'Religions are divisive in nature,; they divide humanity. What is required is cultivating a religious mind, which rejects all organized religions at one stroke and questions every belief. To him a religious mind is naturally disciplined and has virtues like integrity, love, affection and compassion--without having to consciously practise them.'
On Jun 12, 2006 Nipun wrote :