The fickle spinning of the wheel of life means life is a mixed bag -- up and down, lucky and unlucky, win and lose, good times and bad times, success and failure, healthy and sick -- and over the course of time life is likely to involve the whole gamut. Some of it is our own making and some of it is fickle as it happens to us. As for going beyond thoughts of ownership, I've shared and given things, such as sharing something of mine or giving someone something of mine because they could use it, which is satisfying, and I've shared what I'm experiencing which is sharing myself and also very satisfying. The practice I hope to live out is to treat everyone the way the author speaks of treating the pizza delivery dude, that is, be tolerant of every driver, including those driving inconsiderately, and not get myself agitated and bent out of shape over it, honor every worker in every job, be respectful of every person, and remember that I and all others are equal, no one above or below anyone else.
On Jan 9, 2016 david doane wrote :
The fickle spinning of the wheel of life means life is a mixed bag -- up and down, lucky and unlucky, win and lose, good times and bad times, success and failure, healthy and sick -- and over the course of time life is likely to involve the whole gamut. Some of it is our own making and some of it is fickle as it happens to us. As for going beyond thoughts of ownership, I've shared and given things, such as sharing something of mine or giving someone something of mine because they could use it, which is satisfying, and I've shared what I'm experiencing which is sharing myself and also very satisfying. The practice I hope to live out is to treat everyone the way the author speaks of treating the pizza delivery dude, that is, be tolerant of every driver, including those driving inconsiderately, and not get myself agitated and bent out of shape over it, honor every worker in every job, be respectful of every person, and remember that I and all others are equal, no one above or below anyone else.