My son shared this article with me and I copied my reply to him as my comment here:
Hi Phillip,
I did enjoy reading the newsletter. As to why is entitled "cool loneliness"...I would interpret it as excepted, welcomed and resolved state. So far for me the "we are one" concept is still on an intellectual level. Although us being separate physical forms, I believe that the loneliness is due to the insufficient spiritual oneness, connectedness with that "one". I have felt this yearning since very early age, like 2, when I was separated from my mother for a year and lived with my Grandma and aunt Venera. The sense of loneliness has made me cry or feel like crying in the early years, later try to please or displease and most recently...become "a fault finder" on social scale. I am glad that I am coming to this realization as to "realize it out of existence" in Roy's words.
The two week journey to Ecuador was helpful in this process of connectedness/disconnectedness with all forms animate and inanimate. It is I that have to extend my hand for a hand shake with the rest and not the other way around. Andrea, Christine and you have being helpful for me to come to this realization, I am grateful. Journeying with the yearning.
On Nov 20, 2008 David wrote :