Doing what you can: flying kites, thread gets tangled up. Seems unsolvable, but bit by bit, it all get resolved. Take whatever step you can, and maybe after that, further steps become clear.
Sometimes we're numb to the pain of the world. Until stuff
like Tsunami hits us.
Not doing what you ought to, but doing what you can.
Connection: Satish Kumar: "Only Connect". I don't know how to connect to 100,000 people whose faces I don't know. Answer is somewhere in the keyword connect.
Media turns it into entertainment. Everything is countdown
or count up. Number of people dying or amount of aid.
Human beings are eternal optimists. We never give up. Even when someone is dying of cancer, you breath your next breath till you're able.
Lot of times I feel guilty about the lack of activism.
Bodhisatva story: every snow flake counts. No effort is wasted. If the intention is right, it's all good.
Going to give up caffiene and TV, after going to a 10-day meditation camp. Sometimes it's hard to go outside of yourself.
I sat outside in the cold, because I was late. That connected me to what others must be feeling.
When you start with your body, you start with yourself. Then it eventually flows to the Boddhisattva, and something that encompasses everything.
Shouldn't be thinking about I don't have this and I don't have this.
Instinct of doing things one at a time is very prevalent in the animals, like insects.
Love the first line -- "I'm a very simple person." That ties into doing what I can.
Watching the news sensationalizes the castatrophe. At the
same time, I was able to connect with random story about a
kid seen on tv, who'se gone through a horrible thing. I
like seeing the pics because it makes me face reality and am
part of it.
Connectedness and lactive. We should send our loving thoughts to our friends in other parts of the world; best thing we can do.
In rural Costa Rica, a man reached out and offered his hand. I didn't. Another person helped and I realized all he wanted a hand!
"Love poems from God": St. Assissi -- God came to my door
and asked for charity and I fell to my knees, "My Beloved,
what can I give?" Just love.
Andrew Cohen's insight -- timeless enlightenment. There's
also enlightenment in time and in action.
Horrendous toothache on the day of the tsunami. And then fever. Realized that I can use this pressure to widen the scope of my heart.
Mom, roommate, coworker -- all are connected.
Arot?... measured the circumference of the earth with a stick. Took a measurement with a shadow. If one guy with a stick, can measure this -- what can we do?
Do you want to be on the simple side of simple or the complex side of simple?
With natural disasters, we come closer; with man-made
disasters, we grow farther apart.
On Jun 12, 2006 Viral wrote :