Waves in the Mind
Shunryu Suzuki
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Jun 12, 2006
wrote :
In a conversation with IT coworker, I realized: everyone is thinking about the same thing -- meaning of life.
Wave vs. ocean -- which one do you identify with?
Boddhisattva resolve: I will not go to ultimate happiness, unless all being go across.
After 7 years, my parents are coming back to the US -- made me realize about how deeply I'm connected to them.
Delivering anonymous smile cards at a hospital on Christmas day was a real "big mind" feeling.
In making decisions about people, what I've been forgetting is looking at their heart.
Before dinner, keep consicousness of all the hungry people in the world. That's big mind.
I'm trying to plan a wedding (yes, Santosh is getting married!) -- this passage helps a lot. :)
I was once able to let go of all the thoughts and fears -- aha moment of the mind.
Small mind, big mind -- what about no mind?
Not all thoughts are empty of meaning; sometimes they are useful to tell you what you are going through.
Experiences are at times communicating through thought.
Nothing is absolutely meaningless or meanginful. It's a dynamic process.
Albert Einstein: life is like riding a bicycle. You have to keep spinning the wheels to stay balanced.
Big mind is when you can be an observor, without being in the thick of it.
Convalescent homes: my visit reminded me of how lucid "old" people really are.
I have run away from hospice more times than I have volunteered. Why?
NAFTA: what difference does it make if we ruin the air in Mexico? Well, it'll come back to America -- it's all the same air!
All living beings are big mind.
Principle of non-doing -- can't acomplish things if you're trying to accomplish ... like moving water in a glass to make it still.
Ray Yeh, Art of Business: businesses that complish things are those that look beyond it. Accomplishing happens along the way.
During meditation, I start out in a relaxed posture and then all of sudden, I'm stiff. Where is that coming from?
Any thought that comes in a language, belongs in a language; if you can think a thought in language, it's already there in you.
Hesse: that which isn't within you, you can't affect you.
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On Jun 12, 2006 Viral wrote :