In your experience, how difficult have you found it to remain balanced and to conquer anger & delusion?
There are some easily identifiable milestones, like servicing others, being in balance etc. One could start there.
The thought really mesmerised me and saw the irony of it: I am getting attached to the thought they is asking us go beyond the mind!
I see sub milestones... and some sign board. But I do not want to expect the arrival. I want to cross the milestones and then realize it instead of expecting it constantly.
The changes need to start from outside too as what is external has a lot of influence on us.
We get caught in the pattern. You think you are getting somewhere and then realize you have forgotten,
India has givnen ineternal peace to many for a long time and also has espoused the importance of Sakthi (strength). Perhaps his early years of advocacy for violence was his way of trying to bring a balance between peace and shakthi.
When I do anything from fear, I want to escape. But when I do anything from love, I feel peaceful.
As long as I was giving importance to happiness, I experienced a lot of high and low. But these days I just feel good.
I have managed to raise my awareness of myself.. but don't know how to go from there.
If you break a bone and set it wrongly, you need to rebreak it to set it right. Similarly, sometimes you may have to rebreak certain things in life, however painful it is, to get back to a state of new possibility.
One cannot solve a problem from the same level of thinking that created it (Einstien). So it is with self growth. I constantly try to not operate from what I already know.
Evolution is a fairly recent concept in humanity. So spirituality itself is evolving.
People might have experienced timelessness, but haven't yet figured how to express in time.
Wisdom tells me I am nothing, Love tells me I am everything and I walk between the two!
Intellectually knowing anything is not the same as "really" knowing it.
On Jun 12, 2006 Nipun wrote :