I thought about this same idea the last few weeks but in a different way.
There is something inside me that will never be happy no matter how "well off" I am. Sometimes this frustrates me. Sometimes it is the motivation that keeps me feeling alive.
There's a song I like right now called "keep on wanting more". The first verse seems to be about either a social activist or a singer (or both) that want to fill the world with meaningful words or songs. There's another verse that might be about a someone that isn't quite aware of what he wants. That resonated alot with me.
I think we will at some level always want our lives to be something more than what it is and we may question it even past our own understanding. It seems very human to do this.
The other thought I had was that I don't quite agree that peace is a release. There is some aspect of that. But when I read what Gandhi wrote or what Gil Scot Heron wrote, I understand that peace is something to work for. Something to move towards. Kind of like in calculus class they say a function approaches infinity. Peace is a very good word for motivating us.
Service is a good way to move towards peace. It requires a lot of work to self-realize what someone wants to do. Meditation is also a good way to work on oneself. I don't think anyone ever means they want move out of human existence when they speak of peace. Peace is a human concept. It's not moksha or heaven. It's something we can build within ourselves and something we can express with the help of the rest of society to ourselves as we get "closer".
On Apr 21, 2008 supun wrote :