I also refer to the inner voice with terms such as heart, guts, feeling, intuition. The inner voice is basic and natural. Examples of the ego voice are the voice of what's practical, or of what should be done, or of fear, or of what others will think. Ego voice is trying to control or manipulate. As for a personal story, my inner voice said to leave a business I was in while my ego voice said staying was secure and leaving would be very difficult. I'm very glad I listened to my inner voice. Sincerity means without thinking, and with heart, feeling, and inner knowing. When I walk the path of sincerity, what helps me is knowing that sincerity comes from deeper and more of me than my ego or thinking, past experience of being happy when I walk the path of sincerity, and trusting sincerity more than I trust ego or thinking.
On Mar 7, 2025 David Doane wrote :