For me, keeping my eyes on the horizon of kindness means to stay aware of the big picture regarding kindness, that is, that kindness in thought, word and deed is basic, and it is important to not lose sight of that. One can be kind always, including when asserting, disagreeing, objecting, resisting. I was once cheated by a colleague out of a large amount of money. I was angry. The best I did for a long time was to only sometimes keep my eyes on the horizon of kindness -- I entertained unkind thoughts about him, I avoided him, I sometimes made unkind comments about him. I apparently still hold onto some unkindness toward him since here I am thinking about it 30 years later. Getting my eyes off the horizon of kindness and holding onto my anger and unkindness harmed me more than anyone. What helps me keep my eyes on the horizon of kindness is knowing that that is best for me and for others.
On Feb 21, 2025 David Doane wrote :