Isness means that somthing is. Isness is the understanding that everything that exists is not only infinitely alive but it has its own particular vibrancy that connects our body, mind and heart as a triadic form of intelligence that is available to us all as humans.
Sadly, we are taught or conditioned to focus on divisiveness on the basis of caste, color and creed. According to me this is not spirituality. Spiritually we all are children of God regardless of which religion we may follow. Real religiosity unites us as brothers and sisters. It doesn't hurt, It heals. To a real religious person, the whole universe is a family.
Such a spiritual orientation does not believe in conversion, in a spiritual superiority. Unfortunately and sadly we have leaders who sadly have this kind of mental complex. I have heard some political and religious leaders proclaiming God is on the outside when we fight deadly wars.
Understanding and practicing illness unites us, elevates us on a higher plane of awareness and consciousness. We transcend from Me to We, from personal consciousness to unitive consciousness.
Daily Mindfulness practice and practicing Mindfulness Meditation helps me stay on my path.
On Feb 7, 2025 Jagdish P Dave wrote :