Life goes on through ups and downs, highs and lows, losses and gains. Birth and death. We need to embrace both realizing they are two parts of the same reality. What is born is going to die and what is dead is going to be born again. They are two sides of the same coin. Getting attached to both continues the cycle of suffering. I know this truth but I am not awake to see it all the time. I go to sleep again. I get blinded and repeat the same cylce. In order to wake up from my sleep of ignornace, I set the alarm of awkening. When I get fully awakened, I see the light of the truth. Such light helps me remain awakened and I start walking again on the wise path.
The word awakening is my mantra. It keeps me awake to walk on the right path.
Jagdis P Dave
On Nov 30, 2024 jagdish P Dave wrote :