Such an insightful text! I used it as the reading for an awakin circle I implemented as the closing of a meeting for a project on the topic of "Hero's Journey". There were 9 people in total, from 8 different countries, and the reflection questions were the following:
* In what ways have you embarked on your own hero's journey, and what fears have you faced along the way?
* How can embracing fear transform our understanding of courage and heroism?
* In what ways can you support others in their quest for a fearless and truthful life?
The insights from the sharings are:
- how many times, we are afraid to be ourselves, that comes from the fear of not being accepted, of showing some sides of us that we don't fully accept, while at the same time we love seeing the authenticity in others, it is someow easier to see it other than in ourselves.
- the fears are past events projected into the future, whereas becoming the hero is acting in the present - sometimes being the hero means getting out of bed, while other times it can be holding a whole group in a learning process.
- fears rarely go away, and the moment we wait for them to go we become inactive, victims of our own scenarios, and we should take them with us with acceptance.
- in the darkest caves we find the biggest treasures - fear many times leads us to our inner strengths.
On Nov 21, 2024 GabrielaBraneanu wrote :