It's a very insightful article. I also realized the power of energy and it's effect on me. Today is a good example I was really feeling down and out and lot of thoughts started swimming in my head as I got up in the morning. Unnecessary One. I kept bringing back my attention back to my breath. I walked on and on focusing on breath and surrounding. Then after breakfast I just decided to do a decisive action - Diwali , an Indian festival is on Thursday and I had to organize the area so I sort of took it up spoke to people planned and everything and during this whole process - in fact after the decision I could see a shift in energy. I am confident the whole day will be much better (1000 times :) than how it started. This is how the energy was shifted completely from a negative to positive vibe - in authors language.
Thank you for sharing.
On Oct 28, 2024 Bidyut wrote :