Like a bird I sing my own song. it is natural for a singing bird to sing. I sing my song not for an audience. I sing my song because it delights me.
A song represents me. A song sings my authentic self. When I sing a
song from my heart, it expresses me. It is my own song. It's my own life story with different colors. Each color of the story represents different emotions. It's like different colors of a rainbow. Different but real. I like the phrase " unity in diversity." Each color represents its own unique and authentic story yet each color has something in common. I describe it as "oneness in manyness."
Like all human beings, I go through a wide spectrum of emotions-glad, mad, sad. I have learned that all emotions are sacred. I have learned to accept them without resistance. Accepting all emotions mindfully frees me from myself-created bondage and helps me fly freely in the sky.
In my opinion we all go through ups and downs in life. Life is not like a straight line. It has its own curves. I have gone through many curves in my life. By the grace of people who love me unconditionally I have gone through difficult life cycles and my faith in the awakened self and in the goodness of people around me have helped me grow holistically.
Jagdish P Dave.
On Sep 12, 2024 Jagdish P Dave wrote :