When I first met a gentle man on the internet he invited me to his home in High Country, NC. Proactive, I applied for jobs at the university but heard nothing back. Five months later when I moved the five hours distance to be with him, I applied using my new address which was just a few miles from the university. The department chair for the position I applied for lived on the same street, albeit at a higher elevation. There were constant opportunities to meet faculty and attend special functions with a partner who appreciated the arts. I contributed to the household, ended up with heavy responsibilities for the community college balancing two locations and having the opportunity to listen to Mozart's Cafe while driving through the clouds. My friend's house though not in turmoil, held challenges with his son leaving incarceration two years later. Thank God for the wonderful writing and poet friends I made that balanced the challenges at home. My house never sold back in GA so the time finally arrived when tenants were out and I could move back in. What helps me see gold in every experience comes lately when I ask God, "Help me" I add Help Others - help me help others. Smiles on others' faces, allowing me to be in their company and lend a helping hand or just listen is the gold in each experience.
On Jun 12, 2024 Evelyn Asher wrote :