Dear ALL,
in deep humbleness I am holding mySELF in AWE&WONDER when the seed grows into blossoming. Indeed it has its own process and MOMENTS of the interwoveness discribed as „Chaos“. I like to CARE and hold mySELF in the high and ongoing attendive awareness of „whats needed“.....and „LISTENING“ (=sensing, feeling, attuning,.....)
Readying mySELF to serve, whats needed, if.....
Once I have „done“ all that, in readying.....I can let go and surrender mySELF into ALL and be with it.
So the profan assists/serves the profound (and vice versa) and while holding mySELF&ALL in that awareness, I have done what I need to do.....til the next experience when light is turning on its „calling“ to listen again and learn/see/....and serve again.
Thanks for listening.
all my relations siegFried🔥🔥🔥
On Jun 7, 2024 siegFried🔥🔥🔥 wrote :