Thanks for awakening our need to rethink the "dynamics" of perception. Alas, most of us are still within the realm of perception in terms of the world of SPACE, with our five senses. As you well know, ibn al-haytham, about 1,000 years ago (Egypt) helped us to understand our perception of light, with his Camera Obscura model - and his book on Optics that was a treasure for over 500 years. It would be nice if he could return and help us with our big problem of "Life Obscura." And here it is not objects in SPACE, but the dynamics in TIME. Here he, or maybe your next book, would be on the Optics of Insights! SPACE we understand, but, alas, TIME is still a mystery. We are so captive to the "Linear Clock Time" model, Greeks called it Chronos, that we can hardly even imagine Kairos, the Meaning Enriching dimensions of time. As you will easily remember, using the OM symbol, we need to move from the lowest level, the Jagrata, to the forth level, the Turiya, where wisdom (Satvic) comes alive. Perhaps this is connecting the Turiya, ths Satvic and Ananda in a venn that reveals the larger richness of life and its ever changing dynamics. We have so much more to do to understand life's enriching dynamics - so thanks for the help so far. Charles (born on Maui)
On May 28, 2024 Charles Savage wrote :