Forgiveness seems to be summed up in "forgive them for they know not what they do." Also forgiveness is asking the Divine, "please forgive me for I know not what I do." Having been caught up in a blind, mechanical nature I often do the things I don't want to do. I forget and then allow a lower self within to act through me- criticizing, blaming, judging, hating. Am I really better than the people I condemn as "wrong?" It's all in scale.
When I am able to see this nature (which I've clung to but is not my true self) I can begin to let go of it all. I can see how useless it is. This takes conscious work, but seeing the necessity of letting go of these thoughts from the past which basically resist themselves seems to be what forgiveness and self-freedom truly is. As others responding to this post have said, we are all one consciousness. Every act of forgiveness helps the entire world- now, in the past and in the future.
On Apr 2, 2024 Barbie Norby wrote :