There definitely are times I have waited too long, and times I have jumped to rash action. When I listen to my inner truth or voice and take action in accordance with my inner truth, I take action 'as way opens' and am just right, not waiting too long or too little. This involves intentionality in terms of my intending to listen to my inner truth, not intentionality in terms of trying to control what the outcome will be. I've noticed in the simple process of interacting, when I avoid rushing in to say my opinion and I wait for an opening that feels right which sometimes is when my opinion is asked for, for me that is functioning 'as way opens' and the interaction is more positive and fruitful than when I rush in. What helps me wait for the way to open is trusting my inner experience, being in harmony with myself, trusting the process, and not pushing or forcing or being outcome-directed.
On Mar 7, 2024 David Doane wrote :