I deeply appreciate reading Three Mystical Powers written by Fred LaMotte. Reading this article, I got three precious gifts of living a full life. First gift: Abondon noise making mind, noise of anger, fear, frustaration, and resentment. By letting go of the noise in my mind I hear the sound of silence. In that silence I listen to my heart beats of love, compassion, and kindness.
Second gift: The joy of giving, of seeing the light of my Real Self.
Third gift: Liberating myself from the bondage of craving and lightening my self-created load.
When I let go of my growth-binding breath, the door of my heart opens up to see the light and be free from deep darkness.
Walking on the path of awakening is not an easy journey for me. Sometimes I run into self-created walls, the walls that obstruct seeing the ligth of truth. I stumble and fall down and hurt myself and others in my life. Such stumbling wakes me up and I see the light of awakening and resume my pilgrimage of living fully and selflessly. This is a jouney of Self-awakening, of Self-realization. From my falling I learn to get up and resume my path of Self-awakening.
There have been times when my mind is filled with lots of noises of fear, fustrations and agonies. Daily practice of meditation and mindfuness helps me to listen to the space beyond the faintest sound. Self-discipline helps me to stay firm and steady in my journey of life.
Jagdish P Dave
On Dec 1, 2023 Jagdish P Dave wrote :