Yesterday I left in darkness and walked down a path with dense vegetation to a point overlooking the sea. The moon and Venus were behind me and Saturn was brightly leading in the East where I was spinning towards.
Our sun appeared. I went down to the beach where I buried my naked body in sand. Each chrystal of ancient bone, shell, and volcanic earth cells were singing to me about the star that I was. I rolled into the sea greeted by fish and turtles and seals and the water of life itself. When my body washed back on to the shore there was an eye looking into mine. A naked eye. And we acknowledged each other. I was an eye and she was an I.
End of Search Results
On Sep 5, 2023David Doane wrote :
Your experience sounds fascinating, adventurous, delicious. I guess you immersed yourself in earth.
On Sep 5, 2023 Stream wrote :