The notion of brokenness is not something to be hidden but unveiled reminds me of Buddha's four Noble Truths. The first noble truth is that suffering is inescapble. As humanbeings we all go through suffereings. Accept that truth. The second noble truth is to know the cause of suffering. The third noble truth is accept it and work on it diligently. The fourth noble truth is that there is a way to be free from suffereing and that leads to liberation from suffering.. When we accept the brokenness and we do not hide it, fight or deny it, than that brokeness becomes a doorway to be free from it, to heal it, and grow from it.
Like other humanbeings, I have gone through brokeness of my heart. It hurt me deeply and caused deep emotional wounds in me. I have learned not to deny my brokenness, my hurt and pain, not to blame others for it but to accept it. When I relate to my suffereing this way my emotional energy doesn't get stuck or drained and it opens up my capacity to enjoy life.
First of knowing and realizing what love is very imporatant. Unconditioal love and love withou expectstions of what I am going to getout of my relationships with especially people close to me is the first step. When I go beyond my expecations of getting somethimg for loving people in my life, I experience abundant unselfish love and joy.. It takes time and efforts to move from selfish love to selfless love. Stuyding spiritual bookos, reflecting on the spiritual teachings, and putting these teachings in practice helps me immensely to walk on my spiritual path. Awareness of my cravings and mindfully working on them also helps me stay on the course. And the joy I expereince following this path reiforces my enedevours. It is a joyful journey and I am not in a rush. I walk on my path slowly, gently, and mindfully.
Jagdish P Dave
On Jun 30, 2023 Jagdish P Dave wrote :