I like this piece -- I think it comes from the author's deep self. It reminded me of hearing myself say one day that having friends is overrated, alongside my knowing that friends have been life saving. I have had times when someone's response triggered my barely functioning, and times that a table top triggered thriving. You never know. I take 'rest in actuality' to basically mean be present, "appreciate what's in front of you." What helps me rest in actuality is realizing that the present is really all there is, and knowing of no better way to be than to be present. All the rest is duplicitous adaptation. Lower your expectations, or better yet, get rid of your expectations and be present. Forgive others -- we participated in whatever we're not forgiving those others for -- and forgive yourself. Have more dearest freshness and less dearest shoddiness.
End of Search Results
On Jan 19, 2023jo wrote :
Amen to this comment David! I am in your boat of thought! a
On Jan 14, 2023 David Doane wrote :