Building a Creative Temple

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Whenever you set out to build a creative temple, whatever it may be, you must face the fact that there is a tension at the heart of the universe between good and evil. Hinduism refers to this as a str...

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18K reads, 28 comments

You Carry Your Wound


You carry your wound. With the ego, your whole being is a wound. And you carry it around. Nobody is interested in hurting you, nobody is positively waiting to hurt you; everybody is engaged in safegua...

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79K reads, 57 comments

Stop Eating Our Corn!

Akinori Kimura

[ Fascinated by machinery, a Japanese farmer bought a big foreign tractor to grow his corn and apples in northern Japan. Thirty years ago he had a conversion, however, to growing organically, a conv...

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40K reads, 7 comments

Learning to Suffer More Effectively

Shinzen Young

Psychological grasping is your main source of suffering, not the  physical sensations in your legs -- that is to say, how much you are tightening psychologically around those sensations is the ma...

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17K reads, 6 comments

Trust in the Awareness

Ajahn Sumedho

‘Meditation’ can mean all kinds of things. It’s a word that includes any kind of mental practices, good or bad. But when I use this word, what I’m mainly using it for is that s...

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22K reads, 7 comments

A Realm Beyond Measurement

Andrew Cohen

With meditation, you can't push.  Meditation is one of those things that cannot be forced.  You just have ot make yourself available, and we do that by being still, being at ease, and paying...

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13K reads, 11 comments

Mighty in Contradiction: Love Powerfully

Patty De Llosa

As we see more deeply into our inner drives and defenses, we discover that the choices we are faced with aren’t all black and white. Life teaches us that our decisions aren't necessarily base...

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30K reads, 14 comments

An Undying Faith of the Infinite in Us

Rabindranath Tagore

When we watch a child trying to walk, we see its countless failures; its successes are but few.  If we had to limit our observation within a narrow space of time, the sight would be cruel.  ...

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17K reads, 6 comments

The Mystery Never Leaves You Alone

John O'Donohue

It is strange to be here. The mystery never leaves you alone. Behind your image, below your words, above your thoughts, the silence of another world waits. A world lives within you. No one else can br...

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18K reads, 9 comments

Reality Poses No Danger

Thanissaro Bhikkhu

Things that are real pose no danger to the mind. The real dangers in the mind are our delusions, the things we make up, the things we use to cover up reality, the stories, the preconceived notions we ...

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33K reads, 7 comments

Along the Thread of our Inner Sincerity


Sincerity is a word that I often use in teaching to convey the importance of being rooted in the qualities of honesty, authenticity, and genuineness. There can be nothing phony or contrived in our mot...

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27K reads, 7 comments

A Neuron with Imagination

Francisco Ramos Stierle

The old paradigm of life tells us that we are a collection of separate objects. We focus our attention, but in doing so, we often dissect a part of the whole without taking into account the visible, a...

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15K reads, 10 comments
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