Is Meditation Boring?

Andrew Cohen

Q: I have been practicing leave the mind and emotions alone, but I often find meditation boring. A: In order for the experience of meditation to be endlessly fascinating and infinitely compellin...

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68K reads, 14 comments

Wisdom in the Workplace

William Guillory

Actually, wisdom is not anything new in the workplace, it simply has not been acknowledged and legitimized as essential to organizational success -- at least in the Western world. Wisdom has always be...

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30K reads, 6 comments

Giving and Receiving

Jaggi Vasudev

Giving and receiving is the basis of all transactions. No interaction can take place without these two. Nowadays, we are constantly trying to elevate one to a place of sanctity and the other to subord...

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21K reads, 7 comments

Believers in Small Graces

Kent Nerbern

There are those who search God in the quiet places -- no churches, no public displays of piety, no dramatic or flamboyant rituals. They may be found standing in humble awe before a sunset, or weeping...

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82K reads, 12 comments

Help Comes From the Strangest Places

David Brooks

Help comes from the strangest places. We are living in the middle of a revolution in consciousness. Over the past few decades, geneticists, neuroscientists, psychologists, sociologists, economists, an...

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13K reads, 4 comments

Making a New Start

Patty De Llosa

Making a new start isn’t starting ‘again.’ There’s no ‘again’ about it. New is new. But by now I’ve learned how quickly I slip back into the old, so making ...

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27K reads, 8 comments

Worms Are, Therefore I Am

Satish Kumar

Perhaps the reason that we do not get enough enlightenment these days is because we do not take the time to sit under a tree. To be an Earth Pilgrim is to revere Nature as our sacred home, and see ...

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Entertainment Vs. Art

Lariv Athem

In the increasingly information-heavy times in which we live, distractions abound. The word distraction literally points back to a certain losing (dis) of control (traction). We start off with an inte...

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33K reads, 12 comments

Instilling Discipline and Responsibility in our Lives

Angeles Arrien

Responsibility is not only the ability to respond to what comes towards us, it is also the capacity to stand behind our actions and to be responsible for all that we do, or do not do. This means that ...

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36K reads, 13 comments

Embracing the Mystery of Uncertainty

Alan Briskin

A Zen parable captures the mysterious connection between attending to our own consciousness and the external events that enfold us.  A respected teacher was asked by members of a village if he co...

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40K reads, 10 comments

Individual and Social Ethics

Bertrand Russell

Misers, whose absorption in means is pathological, are generally recognized to be unwise, but minor forms of the same malady are apt to receive undue commendation.  Without some consciousness ...

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34K reads, 18 comments

Ancient Law of Hospitality

Thomas Berry

Perhaps our greatest resource for peace is in an awareness that we enrich ourselves when we share our possessions with others. We discover peace when we learn to esteem those goods whereby we benefit ...

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