The Way of the Farmer

Masanobu Fukuoka

Extravagance of desire is the fundamental cause which has led the world into its present predicament. Fast rather than slow, more rather than less -- this flashy "development" is linked d...

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28K reads, 11 comments

Living from the Heart

Rick Jarow

When we are envious of somebody, it is because they are mirroring a place in us that does not feel abundant. After all, if you feel abundant, if you are overflowing, the symptom of abundance is that a...

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198K reads, 13 comments

The Spirit of Karma Yoga

Baba Hari Dass

What is Karma Yoga? Karma Yoga is a selfless act. Any work which does not directly fulfill your ego is Karma Yoga. If someone's tire is punctured and you stop to help, that is spiritual work. If you ...

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20K reads, 8 comments

The Rich Experience of A Quiet Mind

John Coleman

Entertainments, in whatever form one cares to take them, are necessary and indeed vital to happiness in the ordinary sense of the word. Both the body and the mind need rest and the batteries have to b...

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25K reads, 13 comments

Sitting Aboard Life's Merry-Go-Round

Karl Renz

Welcome! Welcome to the fair! I can see, you’re already sitting on the merry-go-round! It’s great how you are driving! You have a sleek car, with an accelerator and a brake. But most of al...

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27K reads, 10 comments

What Astrology Teaches Us

Isabel Hickey

Astrology is not meant to be a primarily predictive science.  It is meant to be for understanding ourselves and also for understanding other people.  I've had a number of interviews recently...

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30K reads, 19 comments

One February Morning in Vietnam

Eugene Hilderbrandt

It was another morning in Chu Lai, Vietnam -- a large and ugly army base where I was.  One February morning, as I avoided the mud puddles in my morning duty, I found myself standing on top of a d...

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11K reads, 12 comments

Meaning of Yin and Yang

Masahiro Oko

Everything has a right to live.  Everything wants to exist and we have to respect that.  The weaker side in any relationship naturally demands things, because of the need for mutual balance....

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22K reads, 13 comments


Thich Nhat Hanh

This morning, at sunrise, a new bud appeared on the tree.  It was born around midnight.  The bark, the skin of the tree, split open under the incessant movement of its sap to make room for a...

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15K reads, 10 comments

Unattainable Goal of Peace

Aung San Suu Kyi

[Nobel Lecture, June 16, 2012] The peace of our world is indivisible. As long as negative forces are getting the better of positive forces anywhere, we are all at risk. It may be questioned whether a...

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1908K reads, 15 comments

The Cosmology of Peace

Thomas Berry

 The issue of interhuman tension is secondary to earth-human tensions. If humans will not become functional members of the earth community, how can humans establish functional relationships among...

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28K reads, 9 comments

Be Not a Beggar

Swami Vivekananda

Ask nothing; want nothing in return. Give what you have to give; it will come back to you — but do not think of that now, it will come back multiplied a thousandfold — but the atte...

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23K reads, 17 comments
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