Staying In Your Own Business

Byron Katie

I can find only three kinds of business in the universe: mine, yours, and God’s. For me, the word God means "reality." Reality is God, because it rules. Anything that&rs...

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143K reads, 85 comments

Maybe, Said the Farmer

Author Unknown

Once upon a time there was an old farmer who had worked his crops for many years. One day his horse ran away. Upon hearing the news, his neighbors came to visit. “Such bad luck,” they said...

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106K reads, 32 comments

The World Also Has a Soul

David Whyte

"There is a core delusion at the center of our struggles in all organizations. A core delusion that narrows our sense of self and ignores the greater world beyond the organization. It is a world ...

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Transforming The Wandering Mind

Ven. Master Miao Tsan

Meditation is the reversal of the process that establishes our habitual tendencies. Consequently, the establishment of habitual tendencies is due to the repetition of similar thoughts. If we are able ...

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22K reads, 22 comments

The Question of Being


Above the entrance to the Oracle at Delphi were written the words, “Know Thyself.” Jesus came along and added a sense of urgency and consequence to the ancient idea when he said, “If...

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99K reads, 34 comments

Nothing Else Matters

Scott Morrison

Stop dead in your tracks. It doesn’t matter at all, what you’ve ever done, or not done. It doesn’t matter how grandiose, self-centered, arrogant, or neurotic you’ve ever bee...

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87K reads, 38 comments

Only Service Heals

Rachel Naomi Remen

If helping is an experience of strength, fixing is an experience of mastery and expertise. Service, on the other hand, is an experience of mystery, surrender and awe. A fixer has the illusion of being...

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29K reads, 29 comments

Should We Spend Time Like Money?

Stefan Klein

Benjamin Franklin once said: time is money.  He meant this only as a gentle reminder not to "sit idle" for half the day. He might be dismayed if he could see how literally, and self-des...

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54K reads, 24 comments

Are You Bored Yet?

Karen Maezen Miller

"I'm bored." Schoolchildren can be afflicted with it by the second day of summer; workers by the sixth month on the job; spouses by the seventh year of marriage; and readers by the tenth ...

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36K reads, 33 comments

Practice Without Integration is a Waste

Krishna Das

I once met Roshi Philip Kapleau, the author of The Three Pillars of Zen. He was one of the first Westerners to go to Japan and do intense practice there. He was suffering from very advanced Parkinson&...

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21K reads, 30 comments

Seeing Fully

Ajahn Brahm

We were poor monks who needed buildings. We couldn't afford to employ a builder — the materials were expensive enough. So I had to learn how to build: how to prepare the foundations, lay con...

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37K reads, 57 comments

To Be On A Spiritual Path

Jan Phillips

"To be on a spiritual path means to live mindfully, paying attention to the signs along the road and being conscious of our body — the vehicle we are traveling in — and of the needs a...

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