All We Can Do Is Share Ourselves

Panache Desai

So many of us believe that we have to do something. We have to take action in order to make a difference in the world. We must have a higher purpose, a mission, a profound calling. And while action ce...

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37K reads, 40 comments

Art is a Life Raft

George S. Clinton

Art is a life raft. Many who become artists did so because they found refuge in art from some traumatic aspect of their early lives. I know I did. For me, it was about finding a safe creative space fr...

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Every Sensation Comes to an End

J. Krishnamurti

I wonder if you know what it means to be aware of something? Most of us are not aware because we have become so accustomed to condemning, judging, evaluating, identifying, choosing. Choice obviously p...

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What Is Your Storyteller Doing?

Mary O'Malley

At 8:28 AM I slipped into the pool at my gym for my half hour swim. There was a water aerobics class that began at 9:00, which left just enough time for me to complete my swim. At around 8:55 a number...

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Money is not Wealth

Alan Watts

Money is a way of measuring wealth but is not wealth in itself. A chest of gold coins or a fat wallet of bills is of no use whatsoever to a wrecked sailor alone on a raft. He needs real wealth, in the...

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This is the True Ride

Jennifer Welwood

My friends, let’s grow up. Let’s stop pretending we don’t know the deal here. Or if we truly haven’t noticed, let’s wake up and notice. Look: Everything that can be ...

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31K reads, 41 comments

Reveal Your Own Wholeness

Carol Carnes

All mental healing is based on the awareness of the presence of pure Life, or wholeness, at the center of the patient. It is a calling forth, if you will, of that wholeness into visibility. It is not ...

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34K reads, 12 comments

The Order on the Other Side of Chaos

Margaret Wheatley

I use the word "chaos" to describe those times in an organization when people are confused, don't know what to do, and feel overwhelmed by information that they can't make sense of. ...

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Stay With The Breath

Thanissaro Bhikkhu

Put aside your old ways of using your eyes and ears and nose, tongue, body, and mind to focus on issues outside there in the world, to get your knowledge about the world, to figure out how to gain wha...

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26K reads, 14 comments

The Fish on the Camel

Gail Gustafson

As Hafiz says, "First, The fish needs to say, “Something ain’t right about this Camel ride – And I’m Feeling so damn Thirsty.” Most of us come to practice meditat...

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In Praise of Idleness

Bertrand Russell

Like most of my generation, I was brought up on the saying: 'Satan finds some mischief for idle hands to do.' Being a highly virtuous child, I believed all that I was told, and acquired a cons...

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Developing Mindsight

Dan Siegel

Oftentimes people hear the word mindfulness and think “religion,” but the reality is that focusing our attention in this way is a biological process that promotes health – as a form ...

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