You Play The Piano

Alan Watts

The existence, the physical universe is basically playful. There is no necessity for it whatsoever. It isn’t going anywhere. That is to say, it doesn’t have some destination that it ought ...

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69K reads, 17 comments

Praise Song for Wide Open Space

Omid Safi

Wide open spaces fill my heart with a sense of awe. It can be a plain, a desert, a view from a mountaintop, a vista. Somehow wide open spaces remind me of God’s presence in ways that few mosques...

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16K reads, 8 comments

Why Meditate

Suzanne Toro

Meditation is the act of getting quiet and settling the mind. It’s the process of slowing and eventually stopping your thoughts, at which point you can bask in and feel the silence, trusting all...

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29K reads, 8 comments

Letting Meaning Flow Into Purpose

Brother David Steindl-Rast

The only point where one can start to talk about anything, including death, is where one finds oneself. And for me this is as a Benedictine monk. In the rule of St. Benedict, the momenta mori has alwa...

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29K reads, 6 comments

My Misgivings About Advice

Parker Palmer

My misgivings about advice began with my first experience of clinical depression thirty-five years ago. The people who tried to support me had good intentions. But, for the most part, what they d...

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51K reads, 34 comments

Theory and Practice

Vincent Horn

If we look at what theory is, it’s essentially an abstraction, or representation, of direct experience. It’s a way for us to take our understanding and transmit, through the medium of idea...

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17K reads, 10 comments

Shaped by a Silky Attention

Jane Hirshfield

A request for concentration isn't always answered, but people engaged in many disciplines have found ways to invite it in. Violinists practicing scales and dancers repeating the same movements ove...

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16K reads, 4 comments

Medicine for the Earth

Sandra Ingerman

In all spiritual traditions it is taught that everything that manifests in the physical world starts in the invisible realms of spirit. We must remember that a baby grows in the womb. Trees and pla...

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42K reads, 11 comments

Five Prayers

Thich Nhat Hanh

In gratitude, I bow to all generations of ancestors in my blood family. I see my mother and father, whose blood, flesh, and vitality are circulating in my own veins and nourishing every cell in me. T...

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38K reads, 9 comments

Inner World of Moods

Patty de Llosa

“Give me a place to stand on," said the Greek mathematician Archimedes, “and I can move the world.” He was talking about his invention of using pulleys and levers to raise ...

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How to Live If You're Going to Die

Blanche Hartman

I got a call that a dear friend of mine, who received precepts from me years ago when I lived at Green Gulch, was dying. I arranged with her husband to go and see her and give her the precepts again. ...

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73K reads, 21 comments

For the Traveler

John O'Donohue

Every time you leave home, Another road takes you Into a world you were never in.   New strangers on other paths await. New places that have never seen you Will startle a little at your ent...

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119K reads, 43 comments
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