To Know Your Mind, Pay Close Attention To It

Sam Harris

Certain rare and wonderful experiences are possible. But this is all we need, to take “spirituality” (the unavoidable term for this project of self-transcendence) seriously. [...] We sp...

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From Being Driven To Being Drawn

Richard Rohr

When I was a young man, I liked ideas and books quite a lot, and I still read a great deal. But each time I come back from a long hermitage retreat, I have no desire to read a book for the next few we...

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The Boss And The Attendants

TKV Desikachar

The great masters, in ancient times, not only had visions of the Higher Force, they were also very practical. Their teachings are simple: They encourage the development of a great mind, but warn us th...

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The Grandest Vision For Humanity

Riva Melissa Taz

The universe is complex and beautiful. When we listen to stories of humanity, life and death, we can’t fathom the complexity of the narratives of all those who have lived before us, of all th...

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The False Duality Between "Job" And "Service"

Zilong Wang

Around the time when I set off for Asia in July, two of my dearest friends/teachers both went from full-time volunteer work to taking full-time jobs. Their decision to return to the "system"...

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16K reads, 22 comments

Force Of Love Is The Force Of Total Revolution

Vimala Thakar

A tender, loving concern for all living creatures will need to arise and reign in our hearts if any of us is to survive. And our lives will be truly blessed only when the misery of one is genuinely fe...

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Attachments Are Not Set in Stone

Robina Courtin

Attachment is such a simple word, but it’s multi-faceted. At the most fundamental level it’s that feeling of neediness deep inside us; that belief that somehow I am not enough, I don&rsquo...

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14K reads, 6 comments

Enlightenment is Intimacy with All Things

Michael Damian

Depending on how we use it, the mind can obscure or reveal truth and thereby create hell or heaven for us. In that sense, where we really live is in the quality of our state of mind. The factor t...

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Be Alight with Who We Are

Mark Nepo

There is always purpose in being, but not always being in purpose. How easily we get caught up in defining who we are in relation to those around us. I remember walking home from school in fourth g...

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Big Enough to Take It All In

Margaret Wheatley

To want to see clearly is a true act of fearlessness. To open our heart and mind, to be open to what life is offering us in this moment, requires tremendous courage and steadfastness. In the openne...

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Is There Righteous Anger Ever?

J. Krishnamurti

One of the most common expressions of violence is anger. When my wife or sister is attacked, I say I am righteously angry; when my country is attacked, my ideas, my principles, my way of life, I am ri...

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Live Intentionally, In Freedom

Eknath Easwaran

Modern psychology commonly asserts that we cannot enter the unconscious fully aware. The mystic responds, "Oh, yes, you can! I have done it." The journey cannot be adequately described, but ...

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