Seven Stages Of The Ego

Rumi, as told by Elif Shafak

The first stage is the Depraved Ego (Nafs), the most primitive and common state of being, when the soul is entrapped in worldly pursuits. Most human beings are stuck there, struggling and suffering in...

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55K reads, 15 comments

Everything Is Waiting For You

David Whyte

Your great mistake is to act the drama  as if you were alone. As if life  were a progressive and cunning crime  with no witness to the tiny hidden  transgressions. To feel aban...

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107K reads, 38 comments

Listening As An Act Of Transformation

Doug Lipman

Two villagers came to a rabbi with a dispute. When the rabbi invited them to sit down and talk about it, they glowered at each other as though to say, “If you sit down at this table, then I won&...

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38K reads, 11 comments

What Happens When We Wonder?

Katie Steedly

When I think about wonder I think about waterfalls, newborn babies, and whales. I think about seeds, snowflakes, and rainbows. I think about lightening, skyscrapers, and silk. Wonder defies descriptio...

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25K reads, 11 comments

The Difficult People In Your Life

Sally Kempton

We don’t always know why difficult people show up in our lives. There are some good theories about it, of course.  Jungians, along with most contemporary spiritual teachers, tell us that AL...

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29K reads, 6 comments

What You Do Afterwards

Keith Sawyer

Creativity is all about what you do afterwards. I’m thinking about something that Miles Davis said about jazz improvisation: "It’s not the note you play that’s the wrong note...

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19K reads, 6 comments

Do A Nice Thing For Your Future Self

Elizabeth Gilbert

I grew up on a small family farm, with plants and animals needing care in every direction, so vacations were rare. But one summer my parents convinced a neighboring farmer to tend to our goats and chi...

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47K reads, 28 comments

Wisdom Of Grieving

Terry Patten

Not only is grieving a stage of the spiritual activist’s journey, but the grieving process itself often unfolds in stages, which can be described using Elizabeth Kubler-Ross’s famous five ...

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17K reads, 10 comments

Living In The Freshest Chamber Of The Heart

Mark Nepo

Our ability to find something to love, and to love again for the first time depends greatly on how we resolve and integrate where we've been before. A great model for us exists in the chambered na...

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33K reads, 9 comments

Deep Ecological Awareness Is Spiritual Awareness

Fritjof Capra and Pier Luigi Luisi

The sense in which we use the term "ecological" is associated with a specific philosophical school, founded in the early 1970s by the Norwegian philosopher Arne Naess (1912-2009) with the di...

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What Breaks Your Heart?

Maria Shriver

What breaks your heart? What does your soul long for? And, how is that connected to how you are living your life now? I love this question because it’s made me think about my passion and purp...

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37K reads, 22 comments

Spiritual Activism

Michael Singer

I'm an environmentalist and I'm very much into cars that get high mileage and don't pollute, and I see that somebody's driving a Hummer. It's a classic example, somebody's driv...

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