Causes Of Happiness

Dalai Lama

The purpose of life is to strive for happiness. Every sentient being has the right to survive; this means having a desire for happiness or comfort: that’s why sentient beings strive to surviv...

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Unconditioned Stillness

Rick Hanson

Stillness, a sense of the unchanging, is all around.  For example, it’s not the ultimate stillness, but there is that lovely feeling when the house is quiet and you’re sitting in p...

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Stepping Over The Bag Of Gold

Rachel Naomi Remen

My patient, a physician who has cancer, comes to his session enormously pleased with himself. Knowing my love of stories, he says that he has found a perfect story and tells me the following parable: ...

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Uncomfortable Place Of Uncertainty

Margaret Wheatley

We weren’t trained to admit we don’t know. Most of us were taught to sound certain and confident, to state our opinion as if it were true. We haven’t been rewarded for being confused...

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Do You Direct Your Mind Or Does Your Mind Direct You?

Yogi Bhajan

You have to have an exotic sense of tolerance no matter what anybody does, what they say, how they attack you, what they want out of you -- you remain calm. That is the faculty of the ocean—how ...

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Everything Human Is Natural

Alan Watts

Man is as much attached to nature as a tree, and though he walks freely on two legs and is not rooted in the soil, he is by no means a self-sufficient, self-moving, and self-directing entity. For his ...

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The Poisoned Tree

Jack Kornfield

The maturity we can develop in approaching our difficulties is illustrated by the traditional story of a poisoned tree. On first discovering a poisoned tree, some people see only its danger. Their imm...

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Feel Free To Set A Better Example

Ryan Holiday

At the core of legal theory is this idea that there are essentially two forms of liberty—positive and negative. Positive liberty is the freedom to do something, such as the freedom of speech or ...

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A Key To End Sorrow

J. Krishnamurti

The demand to be safe in a relationship inevitably breeds sorrow and fear. The seeking for security invites insecurity. Have you ever found security in any of your relationships? Have you? Most of us ...

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To Be In Satsang


We meet here together to recognize the Truth that is eternal. To be in satsang means to be in association with Truth. In satsang you will ask “Who am I?” or “What am I?”, witho...

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No Longer Playing It Safe

bell hooks

To work for peace and justice we begin with the individual practice of love, because it is there that we can experience firsthand love’s transformative power. Attending to the damaging impact of...

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What Is Holding It Together?

Nora Bateson

For you, a respite of uncontainability. Safe pages for words, to taste them as they find their rightness. Let them rest in their silky beds of lyrical dreams. Let them run like rivers down mountain-si...

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