The World Feeling And The Soul Feeling

Anthony de Mello

For what will it profit a man, if he gains the whole world and forfeits his life? —Matthew 16:26 Recall the kind of feeling you have when someone praises you, when you are approved, accepted,...

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A Life On The Ground

Parker Palmer

Question: ... the idea of having “a life on the ground”. Can you expand on what that means to you? That brings back a really important moment in my journey with depression, and in ...

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15K reads, 16 comments

We Are All Beggars

Chaz Howard

A lived theology of the bottom does not see the world through good and evil lenses.  This is not a denial of the existence of evil, rather it is believing that evil is something that is done by p...

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Judy Brown

What makes a fire burn is space between the logs, a breathing space. Too much of a good thing, too many logs packed in too tight can douse the flames almost as surely as a pail...

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18K reads, 6 comments

We Actually Never Experience 'It'


The "I" of the narrating mind is nothing more than a fictional but convenient construct used to organize all the separate conscious experiences occurring in the mind-system. Our very concept...

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11K reads, 8 comments

The Difficulty In Listening

Delshad Karanjia

Nasruddin was at the teahouse one afternoon when Arif the hakim walked in. “How are you, Mullah? I hope you and your family are well,” Arif asked politely. “I’m fine, tha...

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13K reads, 12 comments

Four B's Of Resilience And Worth

Saul Levine

One thing is certain: It is not the amount of accumulated material wealth, baubles and toys, which lead to self-appreciation and ease with one’s life. So, what is it? The genuine appreciation...

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14K reads, 6 comments

Only Stillness Can Change Us

Jean Klein

Your real self, your true nature is what is closest to you: it is yourself. Each step taken to reach it moves you further away from there. Attention is not inside nor outside, so you can never go to m...

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14K reads, 13 comments

Response Is Different From An Answer

Ariel Burger

The current moment calls for moral ferocity. We should not sleep well at night when we know others are suffering. Ferocity itself, though, holds danger. Let’s not forget that some of the worst p...

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16K reads, 14 comments

Who Me, Stealing?

Constance Habash

When I’m teaching the five (ethical principles of Yoga), I often feel a little stumped with conveying the practical application of (one of the principles) Asteya (pronounced “uh-stay-...

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10K reads, 11 comments

The River Of Silence

Zenju Earthlyn Manuel

Death, whether our own or others, can be a powerful gateway to complete tenderness. The confrontation with the impermanence of all things is perhaps the widest gate to liberation from suffering. Facin...

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16K reads, 10 comments

The Great Gesture That Unites Us

Brother David Steindl-Rast

I recognize, I acknowledge, I am grateful; in French these three concepts are expressed by one term: “Je suis reconnaissant.” I recognize the special quality of this joy: It is a joy fr...

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