Reading Archive (Gardening)

Business Lessons from A Quiet Gardener

William Rosenzweig

The people who know me best know that at heart I am just a quiet gardener. My garden has probably taught me the most about how things grow - and thrive in a vibrant and sustainable manner. These lesso...

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55K reads, 18 comments

Working With Soil, Attending To Soul

Gunilla Norris

A garden tends to get inside us. If we go there to accomplish something or to get something, the garden soon becomes a burden. With expectations that it must look good or that it has to produce no mat...

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51K reads, 22 comments

Conscious Simplicity

Duane Elgin

Here are three major ways that I see the idea of simplicity presented in today’s popular media: 1) Crude or Regressive Simplicity: The mainstream media often shows simplicity as a path o...

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41K reads, 28 comments

Embracing the Mystery of Uncertainty

Alan Briskin

A Zen parable captures the mysterious connection between attending to our own consciousness and the external events that enfold us.  A respected teacher was asked by members of a village if he co...

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40K reads, 10 comments

The Only True Voyage

James P. Carse

A garden is a place where growth is found. It has its own source of change. One does not bring change to a garden, but comes to a garden prepared for change, and therefore prepared to change. It is po...

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29K reads, 5 comments

Small Graces

Kent Neburn

Night is closing in. It is time for sleep. I have walked a quiet path today. I have done no great good, no great harm. I might have wished for more — some dramatic occurrence, something memor...

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26K reads, 16 comments

Action Without Desire Of Outcomes

Vinoba Bhave

To protect self-interest individuals exploit others, nations go to war, and businesses undercut each other, because people in those situations see a conflict between self-interest and the interest of ...

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23K reads, 8 comments

Restoring Balance and Meaning in Ourselves

Alan Briskin

During a time of great drought, a Taoist master was asked by members of a village if he could help bring rain to their dry fields. They confessed trying many other approaches before reaching out to hi...

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23K reads, 15 comments

Intentions Are Seeds

Gil Fronsdal

While our activities have consequences in both the external and internal world, happiness and freedom belong to the inner world of our intentions and dispositions. [...] Mindfulness places us where o...

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15K reads, 4 comments

Uniform Corn-Rows In High-Tech Isolation

Robin Wall Kimmerer

I live in the lush green farm country of upstate New York, in a town that likely has more cows than people. Most everyone I know grows something: apples, hops, grapes, potatoes, berries, and lots of c...

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14K reads, 7 comments

Bringing Attention to Intention

Gil Fronsdal

The greater our awareness of intentions, the greater our freedom to choose. People who do not see their choices do not believe they have choices. They tend to respond automatically, blindly influenced...

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12K reads, 3 comments

The Rabbit And The Garden

Mark Nepo

In the movie Phenomenon, John Travolta's character has done everything he can think of to keep this pesky rabbit out of his garden. He's even put in fencing that goes three feet underground, and sti...

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11K reads

Action without result

Author Unknown

An anonymous reader of these reminders was inspired to write the following after reading some essays by Paramhansa Yogananda: Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces I would sti...

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9K reads

Wherever You Go, There You Are

Jon Kabat-Zinn

Mindfulness is considered the heart of meditation but its essence is universal and of deep practical benefit to all. In essence, mindfulness is about wakefulness. Our minds are such that we are ...

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4K reads

Fifteen Minutes to Live

Author Unknown

The students of an enlightened monk walked up to him as he was working in his garden and asked, "If you knew you had only only 15 minutes left to live, what would you do?" The monk smiled, said "Thi...

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2K reads