Reading Archive (Compassion)

Processing Anger With An Open Heart

John Robbins and Ann Mortifee

Anger is an intense and primal expression of the life force, a burning flame that cannot be ignored. It is the psyche’s alarm system, demanding that attention be given to a limit or boundary of ...

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222K reads, 26 comments

For the Traveler

John O'Donohue

Every time you leave home, Another road takes you Into a world you were never in.   New strangers on other paths await. New places that have never seen you Will startle a little at your ent...

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119K reads, 43 comments

Aliveness and Harmony

Christopher Alexander

A man is alive when he is wholehearted, true to himself, true to his own inner forces, and able to act freely according to the nature of the situations he is in. [...] To be happy, and to be alive,...

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119K reads, 57 comments

The Art of Staying in Balance


The most difficult thing, the almost impossible thing for the mind, is to remain in the middle, to remain balanced. And to move from one thing to its opposite is the easiest. To move from one polarity...

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49K reads, 23 comments

Letting Meaning Flow Into Purpose

Brother David Steindl-Rast

The only point where one can start to talk about anything, including death, is where one finds oneself. And for me this is as a Benedictine monk. In the rule of St. Benedict, the momenta mori has alwa...

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29K reads, 6 comments

Equanimity: the Radical Permission to Feel

Shinzen Young

Equanimity is a fundamental skill for self-exploration and emotional intelligence. It is a deep and subtle concept frequently misunderstood and easily confused with suppression of fee...

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29K reads, 7 comments

The Work Of Love Is To Love

Mark Nepo

My own time on earth has led me to believe in two powerful instruments that turn experience into love: holding and listening. For every time I have held or been held, every time I have listened or bee...

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26K reads, 14 comments

Hard Times Require Furious Dancing

Alice Walker

I am the youngest of eight siblings. Five of us have died. I share losses, health concerns, and other challenges common to the human condition, especially in these times of war, poverty, environmental...

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24K reads, 11 comments

Restoring Balance and Meaning in Ourselves

Alan Briskin

During a time of great drought, a Taoist master was asked by members of a village if he could help bring rain to their dry fields. They confessed trying many other approaches before reaching out to hi...

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23K reads, 15 comments

Meaning of Yin and Yang

Masahiro Oko

Everything has a right to live.  Everything wants to exist and we have to respect that.  The weaker side in any relationship naturally demands things, because of the need for mutual balance....

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22K reads, 13 comments

Dropping Out, Like The Buddha

Jane Brunette

In an age where being super busy is a badge of honor and accomplishing tasks the greatest virtue, where some activists promote rallies by quoting Martin Luther King saying, ”For evil to succeed,...

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21K reads, 17 comments

Blessings for Earth-Healers


We give thanks for all those who are moved, in their lives, to heal and protect the earth, in small ways and in large. Blessings on the composter, the gardeners, the breeders of worms and mushrooms, t...

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20K reads, 13 comments

It Doesn't Matter If You Believe In It

Kazu Haga

Gravity is a universal law of nature. It doesn't matter if you believe in gravity. You are still governed by its laws, and there is no way for you to escape it. The laws of gravity govern human bo...

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15K reads, 7 comments

The Question Of Being


Above the entrance to the Oracle of Delphi were written the words, “Know yourself.” Jesus came along and added a sense of urgency and consequence to the ancient idea when he said, “I...

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14K reads, 8 comments