Call Archive (Listening)
Reinaldo Pamponet and Madhu Anziani

Reinaldo Pamponet and Madhu Anziani

Three Worlds: A Musical Journey

Michael Nye

Michael Nye

Images and Voices on the Edge of Revelation

Dr. Tracy Brandmeyer, Shay Beider and Nipun Mehta

Dr. Tracy Brandmeyer, Shay Beider and Nipun Mehta

Intelligence of the Heart

Leigh Marz & Justin Zorn

Leigh Marz & Justin Zorn

The Power of Silence in a World of Noise

Molly Jane Sturges

Molly Jane Sturges

How I Learned Love From Serving The Dying

Kay Lindahl

Kay Lindahl

The Sacred Art of Listening

Gunther Weil

Gunther Weil

Portals to Presence

Nic Askew

Nic Askew

Witnessing Without Map or Conditions: The Inner View

Bindhumalini Narayanswamy

Bindhumalini Narayanswamy

Music as soul-food: playing at the edges

Marilyn Turkovich

Marilyn Turkovich

A Teacher of Compassion and a Builder of Compassionate Communities

Navin Amarasuriya

Navin Amarasuriya

Finding Contentment

David VanderMolen

David VanderMolen

Integrated Leadership Lessons: Shifting From Preaching to Listening

Aurelio C Hammer

Aurelio C Hammer

Listening to our Inner Music

John Kinyon

John Kinyon

Mediating Our Lives With Nonviolent Communication Techniques

Joan Blades

Joan Blades

Moving On Post-Election?: Transforming Civic Discourse One Living Room at a Time

Kern Beare

Kern Beare

The Art of Difficult Conversations: An Overview and Workshop

Arlie Hochschild

Arlie Hochschild

The Deep Stories of Our Times: Strangers No More

Shelly Francis

Shelly Francis

The Courage Way

Noirin Ni Riain & Sons

Noirin Ni Riain & Sons

Song of the Cocoon: Tuning Our Heart's Ear in Times of Transition

Patty Wipfler

Patty Wipfler

Helping Parents When Parenting Gets Hard

Thom Bond

Thom Bond

Teaching Compassion at Scale

Len & Libby Traubman

Len & Libby Traubman

A Marriage and Life in Dialogue and Bridging Divides

Jeannie Kahwajy

Jeannie Kahwajy

Getting the People Part Right

Bob Stains

Bob Stains

Rehumanizing Difference Through Dialogue