Vallabh Bhanshali

Vallabh Bhanshali

Sep 28, 2021

Transforming Self and Business

Sister Lucy Kurien

Sister Lucy Kurien

Sep 25, 2021

Always Room For One More

Huda Abuarquob

Huda Abuarquob

Sep 25, 2021

A Palestinian Woman Building Peace From The Bottom Up

Preethi Srinivasan

Preethi Srinivasan

Sep 18, 2021

Between Grit and Grace

Shanta Premawardhana

Shanta Premawardhana

Sep 18, 2021

Learning from Society's Margins: A Theologian and Peacebuilder Inverts the Paradigm of Mission

Deborah Cohan

Deborah Cohan

Sep 11, 2021

The Dancing Doctor & The Body's Innate Capacity to Heal

Prof. Anil Gupta

Prof. Anil Gupta

Sep 4, 2021

From Knowledge to Wisdom

Demetrio J. Aguila, III

Demetrio J. Aguila, III

Aug 28, 2021

A Surgeon's Compassionate Pricing & Rekindling of Volunteerism

Rev. Chaz Howard

Rev. Chaz Howard

Aug 26, 2021

Power to the Imagination: Changing our Heart to Change the World

Bindhumalini Narayanswamy

Bindhumalini Narayanswamy

Aug 21, 2021

Music as soul-food: playing at the edges

Marilyn Turkovich

Marilyn Turkovich

Aug 21, 2021

A Teacher of Compassion and a Builder of Compassionate Communities

BJ Miller

BJ Miller

Aug 14, 2021

How Not to Waste a Good Existential Crisis

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