David Brown Jr.

David Brown Jr.

On Forgiveness and Embracing Adversity to Discover Purpose

Chase Bossart

Chase Bossart

Coming Alive With Every Breath We Take

Lorenzo Fioramonti

Lorenzo Fioramonti

Value That Can't be Counted

JG Larochette

JG Larochette

Healing Children and Communities One Breath at a Time

Kay Sandberg

Kay Sandberg

Supporting Loving, Gentle Birth as a Force for Global Transformation Through Love

Mirabai Bush

Mirabai Bush

Reforming Secular Institutions Through Contemplative Practices

Summit Shah

Summit Shah

My Journey With Smile Cards

Polly Letofsky

Polly Letofsky

Walking the World at 3 Miles Per Hour

Ward Mailliard

Ward Mailliard

Nurturing Values-Based Learning Journeys for Tomorrow's Citizens

Otto Scharmer

Otto Scharmer

Egosystem to Ecosystem

21-Day Challenge

21-Day Challenge

Garden of Simplicity

Duane Elgin

Duane Elgin

Voluntary Simplicity

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