Rick Hanson

Rick Hanson

Hardwiring Happiness -- Rewiring Our Brain to be More Compassionate and Happy

Shamash Alidina

Shamash Alidina

Mindfulness and Kindfulness

Trupti Pandya

Trupti Pandya

Adding Compassion to the Prescription Therapy List

Mark Whitwell

Mark Whitwell

The Heart of Yoga

Frank Ostaseski

Frank Ostaseski

What the Living Can Learn From the Dying

Pranidhi Varshney

Pranidhi Varshney

Staying Strong in Values

Doug Powers

Doug Powers

Cultivating and Teaching Freedom

Alfred Tolle

Alfred Tolle

Cultivating and Connecting Conscious Leaders

Nilima Bhat

Nilima Bhat

Men, Women and Shakti Leadership: Exercising Power Regeneratively

Mushim Patricia Ikeda

Mushim Patricia Ikeda

Taking the Great Vow Not to Burn Out

Sonia Deotto

Sonia Deotto

Art and Activism for a Nonviolent World

Fleet Maull

Fleet Maull

Waking Up Rather Than Killing Time Behind Prison Walls

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