Miki Kashtan

Miki Kashtan

Vulnerability, Shedding Excess, and Communicating Our Needs

Sandy Wiggins

Sandy Wiggins

Transforming Personal Awakening Into Social Innovation

Don Shaffer

Don Shaffer

Money as Spiritual Energy and Community Connector

Will Pye

Will Pye

Radical Gratitude, For the Good and the Bad

Randy Yeh

Randy Yeh

From CEO of Lucent to Serving Seniors

Amit Dungarani

Amit Dungarani

Constant Kindness

Michelle Long

Michelle Long

Local Living Economies

Siddharth Sthalekar

Siddharth Sthalekar

From Capital Markets to Compassion Capital

Krishan Patel

Krishan Patel

Living Life Like a Pilgrimage

John Fullerton

John Fullerton

Practicing Finance as if People Mattered