Leslie Booker

Leslie Booker

Cultivating Compassion: Lessons from the Front Lines of Criminal Justice

Rick Hanson

Rick Hanson

Hardwiring Happiness -- Rewiring Our Brain to be More Compassionate and Happy

Trupti Pandya

Trupti Pandya

Adding Compassion to the Prescription Therapy List

Ken Cloke

Ken Cloke

From Conflict to Transcendence and Transformation

Doug Powers

Doug Powers

Cultivating and Teaching Freedom

Mushim Patricia Ikeda

Mushim Patricia Ikeda

Taking the Great Vow Not to Burn Out

Rhonda Magee

Rhonda Magee

Addressing Social and Racial Injustice with Compassion

Ari Nessel

Ari Nessel

Power of Small Scale Philanthropy

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