Owen O Suilleabhain

Owen O Suilleabhain

The Role of Art, Hope and Wholeness in Troubled Times

Two Trees (Kaylynn Sullivan)

Two Trees (Kaylynn Sullivan)

The Practice of Living

Mark Barone & Marina Dervan

Mark Barone & Marina Dervan

An Act of Dog: 5,500 Portraits for Animal Justice

Robert Bengston

Robert Bengston

Art and Inspiration: What Would Love Do?

Luc Reynaud

Luc Reynaud

Music as a Force of Love

Elle Luna

Elle Luna

Designing a Life Beyond the Crossroads of Should and Must

Sonia Deotto

Sonia Deotto

Art and Activism for a Nonviolent World

Mickey Lemle

Mickey Lemle

Telling Moving Stories About Human Transformation

Anne Veh

Anne Veh

The Art of Making the Mundane Magical

Ben Rivers

Ben Rivers

Storytelling and Participatory Theatre as Therapeutic Experience

Germán Herrera

Germán Herrera

Self-Knowledge and Transformation Through Art

Shirin Subhani

Shirin Subhani

Transforming Our Story

End of Search Results
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