Vidya Shah and Amit Bhatia

Vidya Shah and Amit Bhatia

How much is enough?

Lindy & Francis Wilson

Lindy & Francis Wilson

Lessons from the South African Freedom Struggle: Using White Privilege for the Liberation of All

Jay Coen Gilbert

Jay Coen Gilbert

Business for Social Good

Clair Brown

Clair Brown

How Would Buddha Teach Economics?

Rajni Bakshi

Rajni Bakshi

A Teller of Stories of Modern-Day Gandhians

Keith McHenry

Keith McHenry

Abundance and Cooperation Toward Peace and Justice

Sandy Wiggins

Sandy Wiggins

Transforming Personal Awakening Into Social Innovation

Lorenzo Fioramonti

Lorenzo Fioramonti

Value That Can't be Counted

Don Shaffer

Don Shaffer

Money as Spiritual Energy and Community Connector

David Bollier

David Bollier

Wealth of the Commons

Otto Scharmer

Otto Scharmer

Egosystem to Ecosystem

Duane Elgin

Duane Elgin

Voluntary Simplicity

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