Call Archives (Name)
Stacey Lawson

Stacey Lawson

Jun 8, 2024

Conscious Bridging: Leading with Heart in Times of Change

Stories of Soul Force

Stories of Soul Force

Jan 20, 2024

Live From Gandhi Ashram

Stories of Heartivism

Stories of Heartivism

Jan 19, 2024

Live From Gandhi Ashram

Sarah Tulivu

Sarah Tulivu

Nov 18, 2023

Cultivating an Inner Stillness for Compassionate Service

Shaylyn Romney Garrett

Shaylyn Romney Garrett

Nov 11, 2023

From I to We: Building a Nation of Neighbours

Stephen Lewis

Stephen Lewis

Jul 8, 2023

Listening for the Sound of the Genuine and the Sacred: Excavating Ancestral Wisdom

Stories of Soul Force

Stories of Soul Force

Jan 13, 2023

Live From Gandhi Ashram

Sarika Jain

Sarika Jain

Jul 23, 2022

Awakening in Relationship to Marry One's Own Deeper, Truer Self

Sami Awad

Sami Awad

Jun 11, 2022

A Holy Land For All: Sacred Activism in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Sarah Peyton

Sarah Peyton

Jan 8, 2022

Dissolving Contracts that Block Joy: A Special 2.5-Hour Interactive Workshop for the New Year

Shanta Premawardhana

Shanta Premawardhana

Sep 18, 2021

Learning from Society's Margins: A Theologian and Peacebuilder Inverts the Paradigm of Mission

Sheela Murthy

Sheela Murthy

Jul 24, 2021

Serving the Stranger: Extending Hospitality Even Through Inhospitable Times

Steve Elkins

Steve Elkins

Jun 30, 2021

Seeing the Invisible: The Search for Stillness and Silence in the Digital Age

Shay Beider

Shay Beider

Jun 19, 2021

A Catalyst for Healing: Creating Energetic Fields for the Critically Ill to Access the Immaterial

Susan Collin Marks

Susan Collin Marks

Mar 27, 2021

Wisdom and Waging Peace in a Time of Conflict

Shelly Francis

Shelly Francis

Jul 25, 2020

The Courage Way

Stephen Loyd

Stephen Loyd

Jul 11, 2020

Compassion & Science in Appalachia: Healing Opioid and Other Addictions

Stephanie Nash

Stephanie Nash

Apr 18, 2020

Cultivating Health, Well-Being, Joy & Compassion While in Solitude

Sue Cochrane

Sue Cochrane

Dec 28, 2019

Embracing Imperfections: Healing and Compassion Through the Courts

Shelly Ehler

Shelly Ehler

Nov 2, 2019

Swimming With the Sharks and A New Look at Failure

Sister Marilyn Lacey

Sister Marilyn Lacey

Aug 10, 2019

Mercy Beyond Borders & Relationships Beyond Boundaries

Srinija Srinivasan

Srinija Srinivasan

Jul 6, 2019

Transforming Our Market Culture Through Artistic Values

Sunita Puri

Sunita Puri

Jun 15, 2019

A Palliative Care Doctor's Learnings on Death and Impermanence

Shinzen Young

Shinzen Young

Jan 26, 2019

The Role of Compassion on the Spiritual Path

Sally Mahé

Sally Mahé

Jan 12, 2019

Building a Global Spiritual Citizenship: Deeper Democracy

Shabnam Virmani

Shabnam Virmani

Nov 24, 2018

Transcending Identity Through Poetry and Music

Simon Hampel

Simon Hampel

Oct 27, 2018

A Quest for Visionary Leaders and Change Agents

Sandra Waddock

Sandra Waddock

Sep 29, 2018

Intellectual Shaman: Healing to Create a Sustainable World

Scilla Elworthy

Scilla Elworthy

Aug 11, 2018

Wisdom in Action: Global Peace and a World that Works

Sheryl Davis

Sheryl Davis

Jul 14, 2018

Being a Human Bridge for Opportunity and Justice

Shin Terayama

Shin Terayama

May 19, 2018

Loving My Cancer

Stephen Murphy-Shigematsu

Stephen Murphy-Shigematsu

Mar 10, 2018

From Mindfulness to Heartfulness

Sarah Peyton

Sarah Peyton

Jan 20, 2018

The Riddle of Self-Esteem: Why Self-Compassion Can Be Hard

Sharyle Patton

Sharyle Patton

Dec 9, 2017

Understanding and Reducing our Communities' Chemical Burden

ServiceSpace Interns

ServiceSpace Interns

Nov 25, 2017

Beginners' Minds in Kindness and Generosity

Shamash Alidina

Shamash Alidina

Oct 21, 2017

Mindfulness and Kindfulness

Silas Hagerty

Silas Hagerty

Sep 9, 2017

Film-making and Gifting for Transformation

Scott Elias

Scott Elias

Mar 18, 2017

Designing Companies That Are Loved

Sonia Deotto

Sonia Deotto

Oct 1, 2016

Art and Activism for a Nonviolent World

Sonya Shah

Sonya Shah

Sep 10, 2016

Witnessing Suffering and Transcendence in the Most Extreme Places

Sandy Wiggins

Sandy Wiggins

Apr 23, 2016

Transforming Personal Awakening Into Social Innovation

ServiceSpace Volunteers

ServiceSpace Volunteers

Jan 2, 2016

Most Inspiring Stories of 2015

Summit Shah

Summit Shah

Aug 22, 2015

My Journey With Smile Cards

Swami Vedananda

Swami Vedananda

Apr 18, 2015

Seeking the Unity Within and Without

Steve Karlin

Steve Karlin

Jan 3, 2015

When Animals Are Our Teachers

Sujatha Baliga

Sujatha Baliga

Nov 8, 2014

Forgiveness of Unforgivable Acts

Shirin Subhani

Shirin Subhani

Oct 25, 2014

Transforming Our Story

Sarah Van Gelder

Sarah Van Gelder

Oct 11, 2014

Unity in Diversity

ServiceSpace Interns

ServiceSpace Interns

Sep 27, 2014

What I Learned This Summer

Sallie Calhoun

Sallie Calhoun

Aug 23, 2014

Living on a Ranch

Salma Arastu

Salma Arastu

May 24, 2014

Inner Rhythm and Outer Art

Sudhakar Ram

Sudhakar Ram

May 10, 2014

New Constructs of the Connected Age

Suresh Parmar

Suresh Parmar

Mar 29, 2014

Building Village Intelligence

Siddharth Sthalekar

Siddharth Sthalekar

Feb 22, 2014

From Capital Markets to Compassion Capital

Shital Mehta

Shital Mehta

Jan 25, 2014

Experiments in Generosity with Children

Shwetha Sridharan

Shwetha Sridharan

Aug 24, 2013

Receiving requires showing up

Sunaina Chugani

Sunaina Chugani

Aug 3, 2013

Psychology of Materialism

Sachi Maniar

Sachi Maniar

Jun 29, 2013

Bloom Where You Are Planted

Sara Schairer

Sara Schairer

Jun 22, 2013

Birthing a Compassion Revolution

Sheetal Sanghvi

Sheetal Sanghvi

May 18, 2013

Creating an Urban Oasis

Scaughdt Iam

Scaughdt Iam

May 4, 2013

Inspiring the Altruistic Moment

Somik Raha

Somik Raha

Mar 30, 2013

The Value of Values

Susan Schaller

Susan Schaller

Dec 22, 2012

Deep Listening..

Suzanne Toro

Suzanne Toro

Sep 8, 2012

Surrendering To Bliss

Sunil Desai

Sunil Desai

Aug 25, 2012

From Marine Corps to The Bindi Project

Slobodan Dan Paich

Slobodan Dan Paich

Aug 4, 2012

Art For Social Change

Simon Cohen

Simon Cohen

Jun 23, 2012

Would Superman Still be a Journalist Today?

Sandy and Ranganath

Sandy and Ranganath

Mar 31, 2012

Spirit of Service

Seema Patel

Seema Patel

Mar 3, 2012

Stories From the Ekta Tour