Speaker: Seema Patel

Stories From the Ekta Tour

Every week, we have a "Forest Call" to share insights and inspiration from various corners of the ServiceSpace ecosystem.  Typically, the call opens with a circle of sharing, then features a guest speaker and is followed by dynamic Q&A around the emergent themes.
Our guests this week will be: Seema! As a lawyer, community organizer, and avid grassroots volunteer, Seema has blazed a trail that has ignited many people’s service journeys. She was in Gujarat, India in January 2001 when a devastating earthquake struck, leading her to Gandhi Ashram with a sense that she’d find something there. Stumbling upon Manav Sadhna, she had near instant recognition of the rare and beautiful spirit in which they worked, leading her to earthquake rehabilitation efforts, and then later helping to organize a worldwide tour for 14 kids from the slum in a show called EKTA (Unity) that showcased the universal values of Gandhi and King. That tour not only irrevocably changed the lives of those children, but also planted seeds that are still bearing fruits, including for the next group of 16 children currently preparing for a new worldwide journey--a powerful, moving performance called EKATVA (Oneness). Join us to hear about a remarkable life of service that spans activism, volunteerism, service, spirituality, and Gandhian roots.
If you'd like to join the call, please RSVP below and you'll be emailed the call-in information as we get closer to the date of the call.  
Bit of history about these calls:  last summer, we started a weekly call to support our two interns.  They were so meaningful, that we continued them!  Recent calls have included James O'dea social healing, Chaz's "holy play", Jayesh Patel's lessons from his father, Richard's journey of operating a gift-economy magazine, Pancho's commitment to aligning with the law of love, Ragu's and Nisha decision to become farmers, Yoo-mi's experiments with service, and Birju's insights around doing small acts of kindness.  The basic idea is really to share, hold space and learn from each other; and we'd love for you to join this week and co-create the call!

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