Speaker: Shin Terayama

Loving My Cancer

“My purpose is to lead people to higher consciousness, that is to be wise and full of love.”

Shin Terayama, a Japanese physicist, voluntarily checked himself out of a hospital in 1984 at the age of 46 to die from inoperable, metastasized kidney cancer. Having regularly worked twelve to fifteen hours a day, every day, to achieve success in his career, he had had a record of professional accomplishments and provided well for his family.  He became the president of his own consulting firm in his forties.  He also had a workaholic lifestyle in which he consumed up to twenty cups of coffee per day.

Suddenly facing the advanced stages of kidney cancer that had spread to his lungs and beyond in 1984, his doctors informed him that he had only a few months to live. Shin accepted death, but after decades of a panicked, fearful work life, he wished to achieve serenity in his final weeks. So he left the hospital and began to watch the sunrise atop his apartment building every morning. He worked with his body, paid attention to his intuitions, and chose to live his remaining time in a new way. 

He meditated through breathing exercises and aligning his chakras (a Hindu and Buddhist practice). He took up again the cello that he loved in his youth, and switched to a macrobiotic diet. He refused to hate his cancer; rather, he loved it like a child he had created.  Realizing that the tumor was an integral part of himself and as such it should be loved, he literally began to love each cancer cell. 

To both his astonishment and that of his healers, he lived, and lives to this day, more than 33 years later. In 1988, a little more than three years after being discharged to die, his routine CT scan revealed that no cancer was present.  Shin didn’t battle cancer. He swam it like a river, neither resisting nor panicking. Instead of dying, Shin took control of his healing one loving step at a time. After three years of healing his body, mind, and spirit, he became cancer free and transformed into a person full of love.  And his ability to perceive subtle patterns – including the energetic auras surrounding individuals, which was awakened during his experience with illness and self-healing – continues to this day.

As Shin writes, “Contemporary medicine seems to forget the words ‘natural healing power of the body’ which Hippocrates wrote about more than two thousand years ago.  This process happens beyond scientific comprehension. It transcends mind, body and spirit, to reach the love of God. … Now is the time for modern medicine to recognize the ancient wisdom of human beings to bring about their own recovery from cancer. The healing power within will save many people with serious and chronic diseases.”

Shin is an advocate for holistic medicine and works with and helps thousands of cancer patients around the world.  He has served as President of the Japan Holistic Medicine Foundation, a Fellow of Findhorn Foundation and Vice-President of the Weller Than Well Association of Japan. 

A physicist, healer, management consultant, teacher, writer and lover of life, Shin is now President of Terayama Consultants Holistic Management, teaching patients how to love your cancer, helping persons, companies, communities and systems approach healing through holistic means, and educating people with loving wisdom using the tools of Subtle Energy and Energy Medicine.  His personal healing journey has been written about extensively, including in the book Radical Remission: Surviving Cancer Against All Odds by Dr. Kelly A. Turner.  Shin’s book in Japanese, My Cancer Disappeared-A Document of the Natural Healing of Cancer, was published in 2006, with an introduction by Dr. Andrew Weil.

Born in Tokyo in 1936, Shin graduated from Waseda University with a degree in electrical engineering. During his time as a student of electrical engineering he studied solid state physics at the masters level and continued to privately practice his cello. After working for Toshiba Corporation in their development engineering of semi-conductor products, he left to establish Terayama Consultants Office in 1980 to provide consulting services to private companies for implementing computer systems.

Join us in conversation with this remarkable and infectiously joyful person!

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