Clare Dubois is the founder of
TreeSisters.org, a quickly-growing women’s crowd-funding and consciousness-shift campaign to inspire and direct the brilliance, creativity and generosity of women towards the reforestation of the tropics and shared leadership around ecological restoration. TreeSisters reflects Clare’s exploration of the links between feminine consciousness and Nature’s intelligence. She and her team experiment overtly to discover how to call forth the unique capacities and creativity of women on behalf of the trees. They are currently funding over 1.7 million trees across Kenya, Madagascar, India, Brazil, Cameroon and Nepal. Clare founded TreeSisters after a car crash that delivered a life changing message – it was revealed to her that the tropics needed to be reforested within 10 years – that women were the missing piece in the climate change crisis – and that feminine consciousness needed to be reinstated, or – "it’s over".
Clare is an Earth-loving social entrepreneur and inspirational speaker who worked internationally for 18 years facilitating groups, coaching business leaders and creating behavior change processes within the personal growth sector.
As a Be The Change Symposium facilitator and freelance writer, she worked for three years as the UK coordinator for a massive agro-forestry initiative in southern India called Project GreenHands (PGH) before initiating TreeSisters. Through her work with PGH she has distilled the social mobilization strategy deployed with great success in India, and now turns it towards the mobilization of women within TreeSisters.
Clare’s passion has always included exploring how patterns of consciousness manifest as behaviors. Her primary work is in the creation of processes, tools, courses, and messaging that can access the nature-connected essence of woman and activate new forms of leadership. Though Clare founded and is leading the campaign, TreeSisters at all levels is jointly held and developed within the circle of core team members. Clare works on network development, ethos and principles, organizational culture and strategy as they relate to the Map of 5 Choices and behavior change materials. She offers a free mini-course on “
Rewilding your Feminine Nature.”
She is committed to the creation of an evolving system that learns as it goes and continually models itself upon the flows and forms of living systems. In her own life, her aim is to reclaim balance, to revel in freedom and health and to be 'walking permission' for those who are fed up of being held back, and just want to have a go.
Five Questions with Clare Dubois
What Makes You Come Alive?
Consciousness shift - supporting the moments when people drop through the layers of separation into full bodied connection, love and reverence for self, other and nature. Feeling myself at full stretch on my growing edge, discovering how to get out of the way so that my soul can express in ways that help others tap that lightening strike of self. Transmitting radical hope, truth, reality as it could be - humanity as a restorer species - womankind wild and freely embodied in her fullest capacities - our relationship to the natural world brought front and central - our consciousness as a mutable evolutionary substance that we can collectively refine - shared meditation as a birthing circle for the unleashing of new levels of experience and enbodiment. Being in wild nature, especially the mountains, glaciers, redwood forests and undamned rivers. Being given over in dance, in ceremony and in deep relationship...
Pivotal turning point in your life?
Two primary moments - 1) playing Gaia in ritual theatre called the 'rape of the earth' where I experienced the personal paradigm shift within which my life was then given to contributing towards consciousness shift on behalf of ecological restoration 2) the car crash within which I was given TreeSisters as a life purpose along side the full transmission of what it was and why women and feminine consciousness had to be reinstated or 'it's over'. Together, those two moments redirected my life forever - as founder of TreeSisters.org we now fund the planting of over 1.7M trees a year across 8 ecosystems in 6 tropical countries...Brazil, India, Kenya, Cameroon, Nepal, Madagascar .
An Act of Kindness You'll Never Forget?
1) I had just moved house to a new city, and had near fatal mercury poisoning and was incapacitated and unable to work. Out of the blue a friend sent a check for 5k to cover my rent and living while I could work.2) a dear friend who literally locked me in her house having left a partner, to prevent me from going back so that I had the time needed to stay with my choice and get out of a toxic relationship.
One Thing On Your Bucket List?
To go the the Galpagos Islands while those unique species are still with us - and to swim with Whales.
One-line Message for the World?
If you are alive right now, then it is because you have something vital to gift humanity at the time of our greatest evolutionary leap - now is the time to astonish yourself as you discover who you were born to be.