Kay Sandberg is the Founder, Chief Visionary, and President of the
Global Force for Healing, an organization based in Ashland, Oregon that aims to create, connect, and communicate about grassroots projects that demonstrate love as a primary force for healing, transformation, and sustainability. Kay began the
Global Force for Healing to express the power of love and compassion as driving forces in the global transformation now underway. She is passionate about empowering individuals, teams, communities, and organizations to create and sustain initiatives that benefit people and the planet, and that generate a “social profit”.
The organization was birthed in 2012 with a distinct vision of how to create a global impact for women, children, and their communities, based on Kay's belief that supporting
"loving, gentle birth" is the first nexus or big opportunity for love in the world. The primary project, “
Healthy, Compassionate Birthing,” provides organizational support to and connects grassroots projects and birthing clinics in countries including Cameroon, Ecuador, Indonesia/Bali, India, Mexico, Nepal, the Philippines, Senegal, Sierra Leone, and Uganda. It provides information to reduce maternal and infant mortality through education and shared solutions to the most prevalent and preventable causes of maternal and infant deaths. The network stays connected through online and in-person gatherings, involving shared best practices and training materials, and collaboration to enable all participants to become sustainable and thrive.
Founding the organization represented for Kay a profound spiritual call to realize and deepen love and compassion in daily life. “The vision for the Global Force for Healing came as a transmission from the spirit of Mother Teresa while at the House of John of God, a spiritual healing center in rural Brazil in 2001. Though not raised as a Catholic or identifying with any religion, I deeply resonated with the energy and purpose of the center,”
Kay says. “I found a home among a global gathering of souls present for healing of themselves and others, or for the next step on their spiritual path.”
Kay’s work weaves together more than three decades of experience in spiritual mastery, global leadership development, organizational development and capacity building, and collaborative partnerships in the social profit (“nonprofit”), business, and academic arenas. She has also loved coaching individuals and teams from the public and private sectors for more than 25 years.
The first step for Kay toward launching Global Force for Healing was co-founding and becoming the first CEO of Health Medicine Institute (HMI), an alternative and complementary health practice in the San Francisco Bay Area. HMI became a model for integrating multiple approaches to health and well-being under one roof. After HMI, Kay joined the
Soul of Money Institute and Lynne Twist to help offer transformational programs that empower individuals and organizations to create freedom, power, and sufficiency in their relationship with money. During this time, Kay consulted to and/or coached a number of visionary nonprofit organizations and their leaders.
Kay had the opportunity to
create study circles and be primary author of an accompanying study guide for His Holiness the Dalai Lama's book,
Beyond Religion: Ethics for a Whole World (2011), while consulting with the Dalai Lama Foundation. This past summer, Global Force for Healing co-sponsored and Kay helped organize a global health innovation summit in Chennai, India to co-design life-saving devices with underserved communities. The
International Development Design Summit was also hosted by MIT's Design (D) School, USAID, Hive Innospace, and others.
Kay has a Master’s Degree from Stanford University, and extensive training in spiritual/personal mastery, fundraising, environmental sustainability, cross-cultural approaches to healing, the practice of sufficiency, coaching, communication skills, leadership development, and team building. She is fluent in Japanese, conversant in Spanish, and has traveled and lived extensively outside the United States. Kay has learned much about the power of love as a mother of two adult children, and from her canine companion Lucy, her muse for a forthcoming book on love as a force for well-being and transformation.
Five Questions with Kay Sandberg
What Makes You Come Alive?
Convening people who are on fire about being a force for wellbeing through love and compassion in action; witnessing acts of compassion and kindness of whatever magnitude
Pivotal turning point in your life?
Profound experiences at a spiritual healing center in Brazil, where I said "yes" to a transmission from the consciousness of Mother Teresa to found the social profit organization I now lead, Global Force for Healing--with love as "the force"!
An Act of Kindness You'll Never Forget?
Interactions with Yolo County Hospice nurses in Davis, CA while supporting my mother's natural letting go of the body; one nurse went out of her way to say how fond she was of my mother, and was genuinely caring about our family as we went through this transition
One Thing On Your Bucket List?
Writing "Love's Operating Manual" from various locations, including my home in Ashland
One-line Message for the World?
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has (Margaret Mead). Now imagine the impact of groups of committed citizens consciously fueled by love!